How to Apply for a Work Permit, Student Visa, Business Visa, Investor Visa, and Resident Card Visa from Iran to Poland


Poland is an increasingly popular destination for Iranian citizens looking to work, study, invest, or reside. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed information on how to apply for a work permit, student visa, business visa, investor visa, and resident card visa from Iran to Poland. With professional legal support available from, you can navigate the visa application process with confidence.


Work Permit


To work in Poland, Iranian citizens need to obtain a work permit. The steps are as follows:


1. Job Offer: Secure a job offer from a Polish employer who is willing to sponsor your work permit application.

2 Application Submission: The employer submits the work permit application to the local Voivodeship Office (Provincial Governor's Office) in Poland.

3. Documents Required:

   - Completed application form

   - Proof of job offer

   - Employer’s declaration

   - Copy of your passport

   - Proof of qualifications and experience

   - Health insurance

4. Processing Time: Typically, it takes 1-2 months to process the work permit application.

5.Collecting the Permit: Once approved, the work permit must be presented when applying for a visa at the Polish consulate in Iran.


 Student Visa


Poland offers a wealth of educational opportunities. To study in Poland, Iranian students need a student visa:


1. University Acceptance: Obtain an acceptance letter from a recognized Polish educational institution.

2. Visa Application: Submit your visa application to the Polish consulate in Iran.

3. Documents Required:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Acceptance letter from the university

   - Proof of tuition fee payment

   - Proof of accommodation in Poland

   - Copy of your passport

   - Recent passport-sized photographs

   - Proof of sufficient funds

   - Health insurance

4. Visa Interview: Attend a visa interview at the consulate if required.

5. Processing Time: Student visa processing can take up to 30 days.


 Business Visa


For conducting business activities in Poland, Iranian citizens can apply for a business visa:


1 Invitation Letter: Obtain an invitation letter from a Polish business partner or company.

2.Visa Application: Submit the visa application at the Polish consulate in Iran.

3. Documents Required:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Invitation letter from the Polish company

   - Proof of business activities

   - Copy of your passport

   - Recent passport-sized photographs

   - Proof of sufficient funds

   - Travel itinerary

   - Health insurance

4. Processing Time: Business visa processing can take up to 15 days.


 Investor Visa


Poland provides investor visas for individuals looking to invest in its economy. Here’s how Iranian citizens can apply:


1. Investment Plan: Prepare a detailed investment plan outlining your investment in Poland.

2. Visa Application: Submit the visa application to the Polish consulate in Iran.

3. Documents Required:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Investment plan

   - Proof of investment funds

   - Copy of your passport

   - Recent passport-sized photographs

   - Proof of sufficient funds

   - Health insurance

4. Processing Time: Investor visa processing can take up to 30 days.


 Resident Card Visa


For long-term residence in Poland, Iranian citizens can apply for a resident card visa. The steps are as follows:


1. Application Submission: Submit your resident card visa application to the local Voivodeship Office in Poland.

2. Documents Required:

   - Completed application form

   - Proof of residence in Poland

   - Copy of your passport

   - Recent passport-sized photographs

   - Proof of sufficient funds

   - Health insurance

3. Biometric Data: Provide biometric data (fingerprints) at the Voivodeship Office.

4. Processing Time: Resident card visa processing can take up to 3 months.


 Professional Legal Support


Navigating the visa application process can be complex. Professional legal support can be invaluable in ensuring your application is complete and accurate. At, we provide professional legal support through our partner attorney for any kind of visa assistance. Whether you need help with documentation, application submission, or understanding the visa requirements, our experts are here to assist you.


For visa assistance, contact us at [email protected]. We are dedicated to making your transition to Poland as smooth as possible.


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With the right guidance and support, navigating the visa application process from Iran to Poland can be straightforward. Whether you are seeking a work permit, student visa, business visa, investor visa, or resident card visa, this guide provides essential steps and requirements. For professional assistance, contact [email protected].


Embark on your journey to Poland with confidence and let us help you every step of the way.


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PolandVisa IranToPoland PolandWorkPermit StudentVisaPoland BusinessVisaPoland InvestorVisaPoland ResidentCardPoland VisaApplication PolandImmigration IranianImmigrants WorkInPoland StudyInPoland InvestInPoland LiveInPoland PolandVisaSupport ProfessionalLegalSupport VisaAssistance PolandWorkPermitProcess IranianStudentsInPoland PolandBusinessOpportunities PolandInvestorProgram PolandResidencePermit IranianBusinessInPoland PolandVisaGuide ApplyForPolandVisa PolandVisaRequirements IranianInvestorsInPoland StudyAbroadPoland PolandVisaConsultants PolandVisaInformation IranPolandRelations VisaApplicationProcess PolandEducation PolandEmployment MoveToPoland PolandImmigrationServices VisaSupportPoland WorkVisaPoland StudyVisaPoland BusinessVisaApplication InvestorVisaApplication ResidentCardApplication PolandWorkPermitConsultants IranianVisaApplicants IranToPolandVisa PolandVisaExperts LegalSupportPoland ImmigrationToPoland PolandVisaDocumentation PolandConsulate VisaProcessingTime PolandVisaInterview PolandImmigrationLaw IranianResidentsInPoland VisaForPoland IranianProfessionalsInPoland PolandVisaApplication IranPolandMigration PolandVisaProcess VisaApplicationSupport PolandVisaHelp WorkPermitGuidance StudentVisaGuidance BusinessVisaGuidance InvestorVisaGuidance ResidentCardGuidance PolandWorkPermitExperts IranianWorkersInPoland PolandStudyOpportunities PolandInvestmentChances LiveInPolandLongTerm IranianCommunityInPoland PolandVisaDetails VisaSupportServices IranToPolandWork PolandVisaOffice VisaApplicationTips PolandVisaSuccess PolandVisaConsultation IranianVisaApplicantsPoland PolandVisaLaws PolandVisaRules PolandVisaConsulting IranianImmigrationPoland PolandVisaCategories WorkPermitProcessPoland PolandVisaSteps PolandVisaInfo VisaConsultantsPoland IranianImmigrantsPoland StudyInPolandVisa PolandInvestorVisaDetails PolandResidentCardInfo IranVisaProcessPoland IranVisaAssistancePoland PolandVisaExpertsHelp LegalGuidancePoland PolandWorkPermitInformation PolandVisaAffiliates VisaSummitPartnership IranPolandVisaSupport PolandVisaNetwork IranianApplicantsPoland PolandVisaProfessionalSupport WorkPermitApplicationPoland StudentVisaApplicationPoland BusinessVisaApplicationPoland InvestorVisaApplicationPoland ResidentCardApplicationPoland VisaApplicationProcessPoland VisaHelpPoland IranVisaToPoland VisaServicesPoland IranianApplicantsSupport VisaGuidancePoland ProfessionalVisaSupportPoland VisaApplicationHelpPoland PolandVisaDocumentationSupport