Applying for a Work Permit, Student Visa, Business Visa, Investor Visa, and Resident Card Visa from North Korea to Poland


Applying for a work permit, student visa, business visa, investor visa, or resident card visa from North Korea to Poland can be a complex process. This guide aims to provide you with detailed information on how to navigate these procedures successfully. For those seeking professional legal support, offers expert assistance through our partner attorneys.


 Work Permit for Poland


A work permit is necessary for non-EU citizens who wish to work in Poland. Here are the steps to apply for a work permit from North Korea:


1.Job Offer: Secure a job offer from a Polish employer. The employer must apply for the work permit on your behalf.

2. Labor Market Test: The employer must demonstrate that no suitable candidates are available within the EU/EEA.

3. Application Submission: The employer submits the work permit application to the Voivodeship Office (Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy) in Poland.

4. Required Documents:

   - Completed application form.

   - Copies of the applicant’s passport.

   - Proof of qualifications and work experience.

   - Employment contract or a binding job offer.

   - Confirmation of the employer's business registration.

5.Processing Time: The processing time varies, typically taking 4-8 weeks.

6. Permit Issuance: Once approved, the work permit is issued, and you can apply for a work visa at the Polish consulate in North Korea.


Student Visa for Poland


If you plan to study in Poland, you need to apply for a student visa. The process involves:


1. Admission to a Polish Institution: Obtain an admission letter from a recognized Polish educational institution.

2.Visa Application: Submit your visa application at the Polish consulate in North Korea.

3. Required Documents:

   - Valid passport.

   - Completed visa application form.

   - Recent passport-sized photographs.

   - Admission letter from the Polish institution.

   - Proof of sufficient financial means to cover tuition and living expenses.

   - Health insurance.

   - Proof of accommodation in Poland.

4. Interview: Attend an interview at the consulate, if required.

5. Processing Time: Student visas are usually processed within 15-30 days.

6. Visa Issuance: Once approved, the visa will be stamped on your passport, allowing you to travel to Poland for your studies.


 Business Visa for Poland


A business visa is ideal for individuals who need to travel to Poland for business-related activities. The application process includes:


1. Purpose of Visit: Clearly state the purpose of your visit, such as attending meetings, conferences, or establishing business contacts.

2. Visa Application Submit the visa application at the Polish consulate in North Korea.

3. Required Documents:

   - Valid passport.

   - Completed visa application form.

   - Recent passport-sized photographs.

   - Invitation letter from the Polish business partner.

   - Proof of business activities in North Korea.

   - Proof of accommodation in Poland.

   - Travel insurance.

   - Proof of sufficient financial means to cover your stay.

4. Processing Time: Business visas are typically processed within 15-30 days.

5.Visa Issuance: Once approved, the visa will be issued, allowing you to conduct your business activities in Poland.


 Investor Visa for Poland


An investor visa is designed for individuals who wish to invest in Poland. The steps to apply include:


1. Investment Plan: Prepare a detailed investment plan that outlines your proposed business activities in Poland.

2.Visa Application: Submit your visa application at the Polish consulate in North Korea.

3. Required Documents:

   - Valid passport.

   - Completed visa application form.

   - Recent passport-sized photographs.

   - Proof of sufficient financial means to support the investment.

   - Detailed business plan.

   - Proof of business registration in Poland.

   - Health insurance.

   - Proof of accommodation in Poland.

4. Interview: Attend an interview at the consulate, if required.

5.Processing Time: Investor visas are usually processed within 15-30 days.

6. Visa Issuance: Once approved, the visa will be stamped on your passport, allowing you to travel to Poland and start your investment activities.


 Resident Card Visa for Poland


A resident card visa allows you to stay in Poland for an extended period. The application process involves:


1. Purpose of Stay: Clearly state the purpose of your stay, such as work, study, or family reunification.

2. Visa Application: Submit your visa application at the Polish consulate in North Korea.

3. Required Documents:

   - Valid passport.

   - Completed visa application form.

   - Recent passport-sized photographs.

   - Proof of legal stay in Poland (work permit, admission letter, etc.).

   - Proof of sufficient financial means to cover your stay.

   - Health insurance.

   - Proof of accommodation in Poland.

4. Interview: Attend an interview at the consulate, if required.

5. Processing Time: Resident card visas are usually processed within 15-30 days.

6. Visa Issuance: Once approved, the visa will be issued, allowing you to stay in Poland for the specified duration.




Navigating the visa application process can be challenging, but with the right information and support, it becomes manageable. provides professional legal support from our partner attorneys to assist with any kind of visa application. Whether you're applying for a work permit, student visa, business visa, investor visa, or resident card visa, we are here to help.


For further assistance, contact us at [email protected]. To become a global partner, consider joining Visa Affiliate Ltd or attending the Visa Summit.


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